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Strong Women Pave the way- Unathi Koboka

If you were ever looking for a lady that walks the walk and doesn't just talk the talk, then you should look no further than, Mutli-talented Unathi Koboka. Leading by example, Unathi is known for being focused on getting the job done, rather than looking for the limelight. Which, we might add is well deserved. So, we've changed the password to the station internet to get her to stop and talk to us for a minute about her path in media

The Kudos! Unathi holds qualifications in Sound, Events management, versatile broadcasting, and is a facilitator and assessor for sound and radio at Radio Active Productions Publishing.

Amongst other things, Unathi is the programs manager for the Wireless, and has been involved with the station from its inception. Managing with her sleeves rolled up, Unathi is able to carry out every role at the station and understands the running of it from the tech to behind the mic, using her skill to produce, present and co-ordinate programming.

Producer, gifted presenter and voice artist, as well as a translator and accomplished lecture,r Unathi has a wealth of knowledge and experience in both the broadcast and media industry. That's not all, she does all this as well as raising her two beautiful children. Known to be a straight talker, Unathi has claimed many debate champion accolades, from high school to varsity, so if you have a point to prove with this lady you better bring your strong argument.

The Opening argument

Born with a heart to defend the underdog, Unathi has always spoken up for those who couldn't speak for themselves

She says of herself "Growing up I was always the quiet one. I was known for only speaking when there was something that needed to be addressed and no one seemed to want to address it!"

Speaking up for other people led Unathi to her passion for debating. Well, that and the fact that she could get out of sports by joining the debate team. :)

It's up for discussion

Mastering the art of debate, and winning many arguments laid the foundation for Unathi's interest in voice work. "At some point in high school I got interested in peoples voices on radio and tv and always thought I would be able to do it myself but had no clue of the channels".

Later studying versatile broadcasting at university, Unathi started honing her skill and natural flare for radio and voice work "I studied versatile broadcasting which awoke the interest in voice work, but I still didn't know how to get in to it ". Working for the varsity radio station, Unathi quickly picked up all the skills she needed as a presenter, and hungry to learn more in the radio sphere became frustrated that she had to choose between presenting and the technical side of radio. Like all good stories though, she didn't let that hold her back, proving that where there's a will there's a way, she made her own plan "After school I'd spend time with a friend in the studio whilst he did some of his technical tasks and figured out how to do what I needed for my shows which made me wanna know more."

The job was made for me!

Little did I know that my destiny was in that face bricked building. Needless to say interview went well.

Hearing about an opportunity for a learnership in sound with Radio Active Productions Publishing extremely close to the deadline, Unathi applied and got an interview on the last day of selection. "At the time I was away at a debate tournament so everyone knew about the learnership except for me. When I came back my brother and nephew were preparing to go to an interview. I didn't pay them any attention as I didn't know about the interview and for what!

When they got back they were asking of my whereabouts adamant that I needed to apply saying that thing would suite you best out of all of us. So I said give me the number! My sister was surprised that I hadn't heard about it so she said she'd call to book me an interview. Long story short the following day was the closing date and I had to go there for my interview, so I went! Little did I know that my destiny was in that face bricked building. Needless to say interview went well"

We interrupt this blog for a word from the RAPP team. On Unathi's interview they said. "We were coming to the end of our interview process, having to recruit 20 learners for a sound program, and in a short space of time. Recruiting that many people means a hectic schedule of back to back interviews, and lots of red bull. So you can imagine after interviewing hundreds of people we were very tired. We'd set up post it notes with applicants names which we put on a board. By the last day, we were fairly sure we had a good idea of who would get offered a place with a few more interviews to go. Then in came Unathi, who was an absolute breath of fresh air to the tired interview panel. She was animated, engaging and a real boost of energy. Needless to say, yes the interview went well, and our post it note board was quickly rearranged.

Unbeknown to Unathi at the time Radio Active Productions Publishing was also a media company, and she soon found herself doing a voice test to be a voice over artist for the media side of the company.

"I couldn't have been more surprised that in the same sound learnership I got the opportunity to do something that I'd always wanted to do"

Within no time at all Unathi was doing voice overs for National radio stations. Today Unathi works with Radio Active Productions Publishing undertaking many roles, and is part of the team that not only run the station, but set it up. As programs manager she understands every aspect of the station with the practical ability to match. On where she is now, Unathi says "Where am I now? Believe it or not, I'm training other younger versions of myself in Radio presenting and production, managing the programing for an online radio station for that same company I had a chance interview with. I teach debating and have an opportunity to impact lives. When I studied towards a degree in social sciences, I wanted to impact lives, I never thought or imagined that this is how I would be doing it and I don't take it lightly. "

Final words

Her final words. "It's never too late. If there is someone out there doing it it's obviously possible. Dont allow yourself to be trapped in, by your dreams. Dreams evolve too"


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